Author Guidelines
- Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian or English, have never been published or are in the process of being submitted for publication to other media and do not contain elements of plagiarism.
- Manuscripts can be in the form of research, case studies, or literature studies.
- The manuscript is typed in MS Word doc. format, using Times New Roman 12-pt font on A4-sized paper for a maximum of 18 pages.
- Use a tool like Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose APA Style 7th edition.
- Authors must register as authors. Guidelines for writing and submitting papers are shown at the end of this page.
- Manuscripts will be published in MALEWA: Journal of Multidisciplinary Education Research after peer review.
- Manuscripts should be prepared according to the following author guidelines and Templates. Articles must be written according to the MALEWA writing standards Download
- After you submit, please confirm via WhatsApp message (ID Submission, Full Name, and Title) to number 0813-6311-8102
Structure of the manuscripts:
- TITLE. The title should be short, clear, and informative, but no more than 20 words. It should be shown with the problem being discussed. The title of the article does not contain unusual abbreviations. The main idea should be written down first, followed by an explanation.
- ABSTRACTS. Abstracts are written in one paragraph with 1 space and a maximum of 200 words, which contain research objectives, research methods, a summary of research results, and conclusions.
- KEYWORDS. Include at least 3 or more words or phrases that are important, specific to, or representative of this article in alphabetical order.
- INTRODUCTIONS. The introduction to the paper should clearly state the purpose of the paper. It includes a review of related literature and research objectives in an essay style. The introduction should include key references to the appropriate work. It states the significant contribution of research. The introduction must contain the research background, research context, literature review, and research objectives (at the end of the introduction). The introduction must explicitly state the research gaps and demonstrate the novelty of the research. All introductions should be presented in paragraph form, not pointers.
- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. The methods section consists of a description of the research design, research participants, data sources, data collection (actual data collection procedures), and data analysis (actual procedures for analyzing data). provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced by independent researchers. Published methods should be summarized and indicated by reference. If citing directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and also quote the source. Any modifications to existing methods should also be described.
- FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION. Write the results in a logical order. Results with important findings should be presented first. When presenting results in tables or figures, do not repeat everything in the text. Present only text summaries. Describe only new and important aspects of the research. Do not repeat all of the information from the results section or above. Limitations of current research. Write down new or unsolved problems for future research. This section consists of information about how the data presented is generated; raw data should not be in the article. The resulting data is presented in the form of tables or pictures with an explanation of the results and findings of the work. This section also needs to discuss the relationship between the findings and the underlying concepts or hypotheses made earlier. The author must also disclose whether arguments are needed relating to other works of other researchers. Write down the implications of the work in relation to the theory or application.
- CONCLUSION. The conclusion section (only one paragraph) contains confirmation of the problems that have been analyzed in the results and discussion sections. Don't engage in further discussion, repeat abstracts, and don't just include research results.
- ACKNOWLEDGMENT. In this section, you can state any support provided that is not covered by the author's contributions or the funding section. This may include administrative and technical support, or in-kind donations (e.g., materials used for experiments).
- REFERENCES. References listed in the bibliography only contain sources referred to or listed in the article. It is best to prepare references with a bibliography software package, such as Mendeley, EndNote, Reference Manager, or Zotero, to avoid typos and duplicate references. Referral sources must provide a minimum of 15 references and 70% journal articles, proceedings, or research results from the last five years with their DOI or URLs. The bibliography writing technique uses the APA (American Psychological Association) style citing system and the 7th edition.